Thursday morning January 16 The Academy Academy Award nomination was revealed. Newcomer Hollywood Lupita Nyong'o was nominated for the best actress in the supporting role for its amazing appearance at 12 years of slaves in 2013. In 2014 Lupita had formed itself as an accomplished actress with a role that had given him a number of nominations of appreciation and critical praise. Newcomers also made themselves as fashionistas. Lupita wraps the headlines and named with countless editorials and fashion critics as the best dress in the Golden Globes. He killed a red carpet with a red dress by Ralph Lauren. It is almost difficult to believe that only 4 years ago he began his career with a small role in a short film titled East River.
Lupita life starts in Mexico. His parents are political refugees. Of the 5 siblings, Lupita was the second born and the first was born in Mexico. The ethnicity and heritage is located in Kenya but he is named Mexico. His parents revoke from Kenya while his mother was still pregnant with him. Lupita's parents were highly respected in Kenya. They both have strong educational and political backgrounds in their home countries.Peter Anyang Nyong'o began his political career in 1992 after working as a professor. He taught political science in Kenay but also taught at several universities in Mexico which made him move his family there for a permanent teaching position. Then in his career Peter moved back to Kenya to re-enter the political world that served as a senator at the Kenyan National Assembly.It is not surprising that Lupita will be encouraged to attend a really good school when disturbing his parents is a college professor. He attended Massachusetts University and graduated with a scholar in a film study but continued his education at Yale. In college he interned on several film and television devices and then produced. One of the earliest roles in front of the camera was part of the MTV Shuga series.Shuga is a fictional series of lives, relationships and education of some young adults. Lupita returned to Kenya in 2009 to film this series for its first season. Nyong'o expanded the resume with stage appearance. Credit based on the name includes "winter tale", "Uncle Vanya" and "The Taming of the Shrew".In 2013 the lifetime role came when he landed the role of Patsey in "12 years slave". British film director Steve McQueen wrote, produced and directed movies based on Solomon Northup memoirs. Northup was an African American who was released but was kidnapped and sold into slavery. He then became a Freedman in 1853. Lupita played Patsey a woman who was enslaved with Northup. It is susceptible and unforgettable collecting a lot of praise and a lot of critical praise. The most important thing is that he has a big salary increase for future films. If Hollywood will offer more black men's roles.